Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Trip to Salt Lake, lots of pics, lots of fun :)

loadin' up the bikes! I was so ready for a vacation!

Annabelle was ready to go too :)

We had a nasty diaper explosion at the gas station...haha gas station

I know this picture is super gross but it was so funny to see Brock changing the diaper and trying to fit around the steering wheel haha, Don't worry...we didn't leave it there

Annabelle was so excited to be out of the carseat!
She is a doll! She loves stretching out and kicking her feet.

Brock putting together the trailer so Annabelle can go on the bike ride with us

This is Brock's invention to put her carseat in the trailer...worked really good

I love how you can see her looking at Brock in this picture

no, I dont know who this random girl in the picture is...

She is always so happy!

So we had a funny moment here, as soon as she got done drinking her milk she had an explosion...little did we know but we were WAY low on wipes and there wasn't a garbage can in site :{ Earlier we saw a couple carrying a bag of dog poo and Brock says I'm glad I don't have to carry a bag of poo, haha well after this explosion we found a ziplock bag in the car, so we ended up carrying poo in a bag after all haha. It's funny how when you're a parent poo stories become hilarious, because you can almost look past how gross it is :)

Brock getting creative with his photography, we were trying to blur me and Annabelle...didn't work so well, but its still cute.

So this was fun, giving Annabelle a bath in the hotel sink :) It was perfect, basically like a little hot tub for her, it even curved so it was more comfortable, I just lined it with some towels. She just looked around and smiled.

She was such an angel sleeping here!

We felt so dumb...two reasons for going to SLC 1) Brock's mission reunion...we got there too late and missed it. 2) to go to the Sunday afternoon session of was 1:10 when we left Annabelle at Brock's buddies house...ok we left late because I was having a hard time leaving her since I've never left her with anybody but we run out the door and are speeding to conference during which I really thought I was going to die because Brock was driving like a maniac! All I could think was well, hopefully our family can track down Annabelle at Brock's friends! I told him hey it's not worth dying to get to conference. So we park and run, well I was dragged the 5 blocks, when we get there we think oh great there's still a long line we've made it in time. The line of people holding tickets wrapped around clear to the top of the hill by the conference building. as we got close to the doors the hail starts to fall and we see them counting people and letting them we didnt end up making the cut! We were so bummed. The lesson we can learn from this is wow maybe we need to make sure we leave earlier.


Deanna said...

LOL! Poo Stories. Just you wait. I've been digging through poo for two days, just to make sure Kortlen passes the game piece he swallowed, as I was trying to swipe it out of his mouth. GAG!!!

Are you sure you were in the right line for conference??? you usually get in if you have a ticket!!! So sorry you missed it!

But it looks like you had a BLAST biking!!! I pulled our bike trailer out last week, but alas, all the tires on our bikes AND trailer are flat. LOL!

hmrjohnson said...

Love the poo stories! I have tonz! Love that you got a trailer for your bike. it is so fun to pull the little ones around and you get your exercise! I love mine! :)

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